The Papers: Kate 'pictured in public' and 'key' Rwanda vote


The Papers: Kate ‘pictured in public’ and ‘key’ Rwanda vote

The Sun carries a series of what it says are the first photographs of the Princess of Wales out in public since she underwent abdominal surgery in January. The paper says it decided to publish the images to dispel conspiracy theories about Catherine#39;s health which have spread online in recent days. Rishi Sunak is still committed to his spring deadline for flights to leave, despite the Parliamentary battle over the scheme. 200 migrants have already been selected to be the first to be deported.

Rachel Reeves is expected to liken the economic challenge awaiting the next government to that faced by Margaret Thatcher in 1979. Intermittent fasting requires people to eat only during an eight-hour daily window and abstain for the rest of the day. Research claims the approach may be linked to an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease. The Times says the study tracked 20,000 adults and found they were nearly twice as likely to die of heart attacks or strokes.

The image was taken by the Princess of Wales of the late Queen Elizabeth II surrounded by her 10 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The paper says researchers stressed the results must be treated with caution. It reports that the agency reviewed the image after the princess admitted last week that she had edited a Mother#39;s Day picture of herself and three children.

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