Trump told to pay six-figure costs of firm he sued


Trump told to pay six-figure costs of firm he sued

Mrs Justice Steyn threw out the case against Orbis Business Intelligence. She found that Mr Trump’s compensation claim was “bound to fail. Mr Steele, who previously ran the Secret Intelligence Service#38;s Russia desk, was the author of the so-called Steele dossier. The dossier, made up of more than a dozen memos, was produced by Orbis in 2016.

Mrs Justice Steyn said Orbis has estimated its costs to be more than £600,000. She said £300,000 should be paid by Mr Trump before the total costs are decided by a specialist judge. At the hearing in October 2023, Hugh Tomlinson KC, for Mr Trump, described the allegations in the memos as “egregiously inaccurate. It was later leaked to and published by BuzzFeed in 2017.

Mr Trump is all but certain to win the Republican nomination and fight a likely election against incumbent President Joe Biden.

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