Teachers back call for suicide prevention training


Teachers back call for suicide prevention training

Motion passed on Sunday at teachers’ union NASUWT’s annual conference. It warned of a “rise in suicide, suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts within the teaching profession. Education watchdog Ofsted has faced greater scrutiny since the suicide of headteacher Ruth Perry. Delegates voted for the union to campaign for suicide prevention training for all school leaders.

Row Martin, proposer of the motion, listed a number of teachers who had taken their lives in recent years, including school leader Mrs Perry. The motion passed called for staff in all schools and colleges trained in mental health first aid, as well as mandatory mental health training. The motion warned the pressures of the job are leading to a mental health emergency. NASUWT had been getting reports across the country about an increasing number of teachers experiencing poor mental health, suicidal thoughts and attempting suicide.

It is a very sensitive, real issue of our profession. We cannot afford to lose any more teachers,” During the debate, delegate Kuldip Hoonjan from Leicestershire said two teacher friends had taken their lives. 34;All this is going to do is increase the recruitment and retention crisis we have,’ she said. It’s too painful to share.

Meleri Thomas, from Fife, told the conference she had “repeatedly thought of suicide. Karen Brocklebank suggested rigorous classroom inspections, government targets, unmanageable amounts of paperwork and 50 hour-plus working weeks had contributed to an increase in suicide rates. NASUWT general secretary Patrick Roach warned teachers are having their health destroyed. NASUWT survey of 11,754 members in the UK found 86% of teachers believed their job adversely affected their mental health in the last 12 months.

Nearly a quarter (23%) increased their alcohol intake in the past year because of work. 12% reported using or increasing their reliance on antidepressants. The DfE says it takes staff wellbeing very seriously. It has invested £2m to provide professional supervision and counselling to school leaders.

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